
At SGS Create, we offer a variety of educational opportunities to our learners. Our curriculum allows our learners to study GCSEs in English Language, Maths, and Double Award Science.
SGS Create fulfils a crucial role by providing 14-16 year olds who struggle in mainstream schooling with access to outstanding facilities and a supportive learning environment. This ensures they can excel and enjoy their education to the fullest.

Academic Programme
SGS Create’s core curriculum includes mandatory and non-mandatory GCSEs which include English Language, Maths and the Science Trilogy Award.

Vocational Specialism
Alongside their core GCSEs, learners will be able to choose a vocational qualification. Our current offers include Art & Design, Animal Management, Computer Games Design and Music. These options are subject to change for each upcoming Year 10 cohort, but will be confirmed during the application process.
*Vocational qualification subject to demand

Extra Curriculum
Our PSHE/RSE curriculum covers all statutory topics and contributes significantly to our learners' pastoral education. Regular updates on PSHE lessons are provided to Parents, Carers, and Families. SGS Create invites external speakers and organisations to enrich our curriculum with engaging content. We offer 1:1 careers advice, work experience support, and guidance to prepare learners for education and the workforce. Daily 30-minute tutor group meetings facilitate check-ins and planning for success.
Additional Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Curriculum

Whilst SGS Create has been developed for 14-16 year olds, SGS College offers over 200 part-time courses to adults, many of which are available online or within the same campus as SGS Create. Our range of courses are often free and can give parent(s)/guardian(s) the tools required to support Create learners outside the classroom. Visit our SGS College website for more information and to enrol today.