We are so excited about the development of SGS Create. This much needed provision will ensure 14-16 year olds whom mainstream education is not right for them have the opportunity to access first class facilities and the right learning environment to do well and enjoy their education. Post pandemic, we have seen an increasing number of young people struggling with their own wellbeing who are looking for an alternative to mainstream school. SGS Create will allow learners to focus on key curriculum, plus a number of vocational pathways in a supportive and nurturing environment with excellent progression routes. We aim to recruit learners who do not suit the standard school system, they may find the number and breadth of GCSEs studied in most schools to be overwhelming, they may not cope well with the structure and rules in place, or may suffer with social anxieties, being surrounded by hundreds of others learners. We would like to attract learners who are keen and willing to learn, who may need to access more pastoral support services or support through therapies and/or looking for an alternative, with a particular interest and focus on the creative sectors.

If you share our vision, we would love to hear from you.
The main purpose of the Create Head Teacher role is to establish and lead a brand-new educational setting for 14-16-year-old students located within SGS College’s Stroud Campus. The setting will offer a core academic curriculum along with a vocation of the learner’s choice, aligning with the vocations offered at the centre. Working as part of the College’s Leadership Team you will have the wrap around support of the strongly established framework of College systems, processes and policies so SGS Create can operate effectively and efficiently, allowing you to focus on the learner experience. As an experienced leader and academically minded with experience of SEMH, you will develop and sustain SGS Creates ethos and strategic direction. You will be responsible for the quality of teaching, learning and learners’ achievements and monitor progress towards achieving SGS Creates aims and objectives. Identifying solutions for any potential barriers to the centre’s effectiveness, and developing strategies for improvement that are realistic, timely and suited to the centre’s context, making sure these improvement strategies are effectively implemented. Ensuring that financial resources are allocated appropriately, efficiently and effectively.